AUTHORISED COMPANY (AC) IntroductionThe “Authorised Company” is registered under the Companies Act 2001 and can apply for an authorization letter from the Financial Services Commission (‘FSC’). CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS FOR AN AUTHORISED COMPANY INCORPORATION IN MAURITIUS An Authorisation letter is issued where: – the majority shares or voting rights or legal or beneficial interest are held or controlled by a non-Mauritius citizen; and it proposes to conduct business principally outside Mauritius, or with persons that may be specified under FSC Rules; and its central management and control outside Mauritius, ACTIVITIES An Authorised Company shall be held to be conducting business outside Mauritius but it may also be engaged in the following dealings and transactions: – Investing in any securities listed on a securities exchange licensed under the Securities Act; opening and maintaining with a bank an account in foreign currency in Mauritius holding any share, debenture, security or any interest in or otherwise dealing or transacting with a corporation holding a Global Business Licence; and entering into a business relationship with the holder of a Management Licence or a law practitioner, legal consultant, law firm or a qualified auditor in Mauritius TAXATION The AC will be treated as a non-resident entity in Mauritius for tax purposes provided that the control and management is outside of Mauritius. GENERAL INFORMATION ON GBC CONFIDENTIALITY No person or body is authorized to disclose information or present documentation to any court, tribunal, committee of inquiry or other authority in Mauritius unless ordered to do so by a court of law on application by the Director of Public Prosecution for inquiry into the trafficking of narcotics and dangerous drugs, arms trafficking or money laundering as defined under existing legislation. However, upon application to the FSC, full disclosure is made on the beneficial owners of the AC. Moreover, the Registrar may report to the FSC any non-compliance by the AC. HOW CAN WE ASSIST? Providing advisory services for structuring of your entity according to your objectives and projects; Incorporation of an Authorised Company in Mauritius with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) and the Financial Services Commission Acting as the company secretary and/or as Registered Agent; Providing for directorship, registered office address and nominee shareholder services; Providing administration, company secretarial, accounting, tax and compliance services; Serving as liaison with the Registrar of Companies, the Financial Services Commission, the Mauritian Revenue Authorities and other Authorities; and Learn More: What is a Mauritian Trust? What is an Domestic Company? What is a Global Business Corporation (GBC)? Any Question? Contact Us